Top Chef Drinking Game
1) Drink every time someone says some variation of “I’m not a pastry chef,” or complains about having to make dessert.
2) Drink when an eliminated contestant talks about not having had the opportunity to “cook their food.”
3) Drink every time someone in the bottom says “I stand behind my dish.” Chug if that person gets eliminated.
4) Drink every time the favored team loses due to their inflated egos.
5) Drink whenever the show focuses on a contestant that has been in the background until now (talking about kids, family, struggles, etc.). Two drinks if that person wins the challenge, chug if they go home.
6) Drink if the eliminated contestant has to comfort the people in the bottom who are staying.
7) Drink when someone complains about being paired with the chef with immunity.
8) Drink every time Tom Colicchio raises his eyebrows.
9) Drink anytime a contestant says a variation of “I’m not here to make friends.” Chug if they go home at the end of the episode.
10) Drink every time someone cuts themselves.
11) Drink every time someone in the stew room yells at another contestant.
12) Drink every time a chef says the judges’ comments are bullshit.
13) Drink when a contestant buys something premade, frozen, canned, or boxed. Drink twice if they get called out on it at judges table.
14) Drink every time someone drops food.
15) Drink every time a sponsored product is mentioned (Toyota, Whole Foods, the Glad Family of Products, etc.).