Greetings, and welcome to my site. Take a look at some of the things that manage to find their way out of my brain.
There are some multifaceted ideas that I have been trying to sort out for a while now; ideas about power and influence in our society, and why people are so angry with one another. As I tried to work through my thinking it became clear how completely overwhelming it can all be. It makes sense that so many people….
I had a huge fight with my younger brother a few years ago. He was seventeen and about to graduate high school. He was in that place that seventeen year olds often are, where he couldn’t wait to get out of our parents’ house and into the world he was going to conquer, never looking back at our hometown. The
I am going to tell you something that I’m not supposed to admit as a parent; I don’t know everything. I never have. I don’t know what to do about a lot of things. It’s scary when you reach adulthood and you realize that everyone is just making everything up as they go along. No one admits that because it’s
I can't be around you right now. I can't handle it. I just keep hearing the words that we both threw at each other last night and I can't stand to sit here and make small talk with everyone else like they weren’t all there, while those not so distant shouts echo in my mind. I can't be around you today, and tomorrow might
I love you because you aren't a person. You won't ask me how my day is or prattle on about yours. I love you even more when you have a mute button. I hate when you don't, because I'm afraid your voice is a bit irritating. But I would take your voice every day of the week if it means I can have one less painful human
Digging through the couch cushions
I found the pieces of my heart
Plastered to the fabric…
I’m not entirely sure where this song came from, all I know is it stuck and won’t let me leave it alone. The idea of trying to convince yourself and the person leaving you that the terrible thing…
Untitled 20B for String Orchestra was born out of an early 2020 evening (hence the designation “20B”) spent playing with chords at my keyboard. The slow progressions through chords of varying complexity is (I like to…
The older I get and the more I examine my family the more I see the things that are unsaid, the ways we never communicated, and the ways we won’t communicate. I was grown in an environment of not talking about big important things. Not to say that my childhood was dishonest, there was just a lot that my family….